What's New!
We design and build brilliant new features to help clients grow, manage and control their rental business. We love to innovate and we welcome your feedback to help us do just that! Take a look at the most recent features within Current RMS, voted for by our customers.
On Stop role permission
This role permission allows you to restrict users on the ability to set an organisation to ‘On-stop’.
Read MoreClickable Source Name in Quarantine Custom View
If you have a custom view in your quarantine page with ‘Source’ as a selected column, you can now click into it to be taken directly to the source page.
Read MoreDrag and Drop in Projects
You can now drag and drop your opportunities within the project view. This means you can reorder opportunities within a project, just as you can with line items within an opportunity.
Read MoreRemain in the same position when an update is made
When you update an opportunity, the page will stay where you are instead of jumping back to the top of the page. This will enable you to continue working in the same section, saving you from scrolling back to find your place.
Read MoreSystem Updates
We’re continuously working on Current RMS in the background. A number of small releases were made across December for housekeeping and security updates.
Read MorePrice limits on purchase orders
You can now set price limits on roles, meaning certain users can have a limit when creating purchase orders.
Read MoreLock pricing role permission on opportunities
With this feature, you can decide whether a user has the ability to lock/unlock pricing on your opportunities.
Read MoreLock pricing added to purchase orders
Just as you can with Opportunities, you can now lock pricing on Purchase Orders! Allowing you to make edits to a purchase order without affecting the price, if you wish.
Disable free scan for certain users
We’ve made another update to your role permissions - free scan can now be disabled for certain users within your Role Preferences.
Read MoreProject numbering
There’s a new addition to Projects! We have added a Project Number field so that you can set up your numbering sequence on Projects.
Read MoreLimit access to Global Check-in
Access to Global Check-In can now be prevented for certain roles within Role Preferences, allowing you to keep control of where your users can access.
Read MoreSecurity updates
Security is of the upmost importance to us. We’ve released a series of updates to ensure your system is as robust as it can be.
Default purchase tax class
Do you search through the tax options when creating new POs? You can now set up a default Purchase Tax Class in your System Preferences for this to automatically pull through for you!
Read MoreApproval URLs now expire
When you send out online quotes via approval URL they will now expire, ensuring that your customers always have the most up-to-date pricing on quotations.
Clear all button on the extended scheduler
‘Clear All’ dates on the extended scheduler with one click, saving you time when cloning old opportunities!
Read MoreDelete items directly from the detail view
Are you a warehouse team member who has to go into the order view to delete order line items? You can now do this directly from the detail view!
Automatically mark as prepared
Do you always 'mark as prepared' when you're allocating assets in the detail view? Look no further! You can now set this as a default preference in System Preferences.
Read MoreCompanywide two factor authentication
System admin users can now enable two factor authentication for all of your Current RMS users.
Read MoreSave your chosen stores
Save your chosen stores within the Job Planner to view more opportunities, quicker!
Additional filters added to the Detail View
We’ve added some additional filters to the Detail View, making it easier to narrow down your items list!
System wide Two Factor
System wide Two Factor can now be applied within the System Preferences!
Read MoreLine breaks applied
Line breaks applied when using the opportunity item ‘quick edit’ to update descriptions
Downloadable Purchase Order items
Current RMS will now give you the option to download your Purchase Order items list in a CSV format.
Detail view filters
You can now apply filters to your Detail View to reduce your visible items list!
Read MoreHousekeeping changes
We’ve been making some internal changes to our infrastructure to keep things moving as expected!
Warehouse notes liquid syntax
It’s now possible to show your warehouse notes within your document layouts!
Warehouse notes liquid syntax
It’s now possible to show your warehouse notes within your document layouts!
Warehouse notes
You can now add warehouse notes to your items which will show in your Detail View for the warehouse team!
Read MoreProduct name added to Overdue Inspection notification
We’ve made it easier for you to identify which of your products are overdue for an inspection directly from your Detail View.
Discount totals added to custom views
You can now add an opportunity discount total to your opportunity custom views!
Timestamped error reports
You’ll now find a timestamp against your error warnings so you know exactly what has been flagged and when.
Read MoreScrollable errors
Easily work through your extended shortage warnings to get an overview of what you’re missing.
Post Purchase Orders to Xero
Once you’ve completed your Purchase Order, you can now look to post them over to Xero!
Read MoreAlternative Products
Set up your alternative products withint the system and swap them out straight from a job!
Read MoreSet a sub-rent when splitting opportunity items
When you split an opportunity item, you can now set your new line item as a sub-rent with one easy click!
Read MoreSearch for asset numbers via the Global Search
We’ve made changes to our Global Search which will now allow you to search for your serialised stock levels!
Read MoreToday button added to calendars across the system
You can now jump directly to today’s date in calendars across the system.
Read MoreNew Text Item Sales report
View your sale text items from across the system in one handy report!
Read MoreSet a supplier with your opportunity edit screen!
You now have the ability to set a supplier for your sale stock when editing an opportunity item.
Read MoreSplit Opportunity Items
You can now split an opportunity item line into two separate lines.
Read MoreAdditional Dashboard Tiles
'Orders Ending Today' and 'Orders This Week' tiles were added to provide more oversight in the Dashboard.
Read MoreProfit Report and Opportunity Profit Percentage
Opportunities will now show a profit percentage and we also released a Profit Report in line with this.
Read MorePartially Invoiced Opportunities Report
We released a new report that will list all opportunities without a final invoice.
Read MoreIntegration to Google & Microsoft Two Factor Authentication
Enhance your account sign-in security with best-in-class Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Read MoreMYOB Integration
Current RMS now links to one of the best-in-class Australian accounting systems, MYOB.
Read MoreBulk Store Transfer
Seamlessly move multiple items into a different store quickly and easily in one batch process.
Read MorePlanned Transfer of Assets
Easily move equipment from one order to another without returning items to your warehouse.
Read MoreCurrent Companion App
Android and iOS users can now scan products using the built-in camera on their phone or tablet.
Read MoreSage Business Cloud integration
Use our Sage Business Cloud integration to post invoices straight from Current RMS to Sage and keep your organizations up-to-date between the systems.
Read MoreWooCommerce integration
Use our WooCommerce integration to push your entire product catalogue from Current RMS to a Wordpress website.
Read MoreConfigurable Documents
You asked, we delivered. You can now amend headings, change document colours, alter your logo placement and lots more with Configurable Documents.
Read MoreGlobal Search
Forget searching across your data page-by-page. You can now use Global Search under your picture in the top right-hand corner to search across your contacts, organizations, venues, products, opportunities, projects, invoices, purchase orders, and more from one central screen.
Read MoreAdd brand new tiles to your dashboard
In May we released a feature allowing you to choose which tiles you do and don’t want to see on your Current RMS Dashboard. We’ve now enhanced this even further by providing additional dashboard tiles for you to switch on.
Read MoreTesting & Inspection
Depending on where you operate and the kind of gear that you rent, you might need to test or inspect your kit. With the release of our Testing & Inspection module, you can now see a list of upcoming tests, print test results and receive warnings for assets that are due a test to ensure the gear you’re sending out is fully compliant.
Read MoreCustomize your Dashboard Tiles
You can now choose which tiles show on your Dashboard and turn off any that you don’t need. Dashboard tiles are set against each role in your system so it's perfect for setting up different Dashboards for teams or departments in your business.
Read MoreMark Opportunities as Postponed
If you’ve been working on an opportunity but your customer has reached out to let you know that they’ll need to take a raincheck, now you can mark your opportunity as postponed rather than dead, lost, or canceled. Reinstate the opportunity when you’re ready to pick up where you left off, rather than starting over again!
Read MoreInventory Check
Want to check exactly what equipment you hold and ensure your inventory figures are correct? We’ve now launched Inventory Check, a handy feature helping you see exactly what you hold, and any losses or discrepancies. Get your 2020 off on the right foot by ensuring your inventory figures are on the mark.
Read MoreAutomatic Asset Numbering
Switch on Automatic Asset Numbering to generate asset numbers automatically when adding serialized stock levels. Current will create the number of assets you have requested using the next numbers in the sequence - speeding up the process of adding to your inventory.
Read MoreMerge duplicate Organizations
Use the Merge Organizations feature in Current RMS to combine duplicate organizations.
Read MoreUpdate Existing Service Items
No need to add each service line one-by-one any more. We’ve added a new option to opportunity groups that lets you change the date for all services in that group, and an option to apply that to all future services that are added.
Read MorePurchasing Beta
We’ve released the first stage of our purchasing beta, so you can now create purchase orders for each of your suppliers for sub-rental costs, freelance labor, and manual costs such as hotels or parking fees.
Read MoreChoose File Names For Your Downloaded PDFs
Use our new file name builder when editing a document layout to determine the file name that’s used when you download document layouts to PDF. Include fields such as company name, Id and subject. Head to System Setup > Document Layouts and edit any document to get started.
Temporary Containers
The next phase on from Serialized Containers, Temporary Containers gives users the ability to build up flight cases on a temporary basis with serialized, bulk and non-stock items - adding an extra layer of flexibility to warehouse operations.
Read MoreRecalculate Costs and Prices on your Opportunities
We’ve updated Current RMS with the option to Recalculate prices and costs on your Opportunities.
Read MoreReset User Passwords
We’ve updated Current to allow account owners and admin users to reset user passwords, handy for keeping all access to your Current RMS system secure. Account owners can also reset everyone’s password all at once! Doing so will log the selected users out and prompt them to reset their password via an email. Find this new setting in System Setup > Users.
Updates to Automatic Costing
We’ve added some new updates to our Automatic Costing section of Current, making it easier for you to set “actual costs” to items on your opportunity.
Read MoreAutomatic Costing
Pull costs such as sub-rentals, freelance labor and internal purchases through to your jobs automatically.
Read MoreMerge Additional Documents to Your Rental Agreements, Quotes & Invoices
You can now merge PDFs with documents already in your Current RMS system. This is great for when you want to send additional information to your clients in one document, rather than over multiple documents. For example, your Terms & Conditions of hire, or a portfolio of previous work.
Read MoreChoose Individual Scan Sounds For Your Users
Users in Current RMS can now select one of four different sound schemes to hear when scanning kit.
Read MoreAuto Return Serialized Rental Stock
When you allocate serialized gear to an opportunity, Current can now search for prior opportunities that the gear was on, and automatically check-in and finalize it for you. Any other assets on the order with a status of checked-in are untouched, only affecting the assets being auto returned. Enable this new setting in System Preferences.
GDPR Data Handling Updates
We’ve made a few changes in Current RMS to make it easier for our users to manage data, in compliance with new European General Data Protection Regulations.
Read MoreSet Up Two Factor Authentication For Additional Account Security
Add an extra layer of security when logging into your Current RMS system with brand new authentication settings.
Read MoreView Real-Time Availability Levels for Kits & Packages
When adding a product with accessories to an opportunity, as well as being able to see the real time availability levels for the product and its accessories separately, you can now view the real-time availability levels for the number of packages that can be made up using them.
Read MoreGerman Translation Now Available
Guten Tag! We now speak German, as well as English, French and Spanish. You can select which language you'd like to use in Current in User Settings > Language.
Download Items and Item Assets from an Opportunity
You can now download a CSV file of items or item assets on an Opportunity, straight from Current, for you to refer back to. The new option is visible on the Opportunity Order and Detail views. Handy!
New Opportunity Role Privileges
A new 'Can access everyone’s opportunities' toggle makes it easy for you to restrict users to only see opportunities that they’re the owner or participant of.
Read MoreScan QR Codes in the Detail View
Current now supports QR scanning as well as barcode scanning on the detail view. Just scan a product’s QR code the way you would a barcode to allocate, prep, book out or check-in.
New Invoice Terms
You can now set your invoices so they’re due based on a number of days from the start date or the end date of an opportunity. Great if you require payment a certain number of days after a job is finished!
Choosing Accessories
When you are adding products to a job, you can now view all the accessories linked to the product and their availability, so you can choose which ones you’d like to add to the job.
Read MoreSign in to Current RMS using Google or Microsoft
To increase security when signing into your Current RMS system, we’ve now introduced the ability to sign in through Single Sign On (SSO), using your Google or Microsoft account.
Read MoreRevert the Status of Your Items
Have you ever allocated, prepped, booked out or checked-in something you shouldn’t have? Now, at the click of a button, you can revert the status of your items in the Detail View.
Read MoreImport and Export Organizations from Xero or QuickBooks Online
With just the click of a button, you can now import and export all your contacts between Current RMS and Xero/Quickbooks Online.
Read MoreDiscussion Templates
Use customizable Discussion Templates to choose how your messages are presented, both internally and externally of Current.
Read MoreGlobal Check-in
After a busy weekend, you might find yourself in a warehouse full of kit from different jobs, all of which needs checking back in! With the release of Global Check-in, you can now check-in assets across different jobs, all from one screen.
Read MoreLock and Select Item Groups in the Detail View
The development team at Current have been working hard to complete exciting enhancements to the Detail View, giving users the ability to lock groups to book items out and check them back in, on a group-by-group basis.
Read MoreAdd Labor, Transport & Locations to an order via the Picker
We've listened to customer feedback and we've now added the ability to add services via the picker, speeding up the process of creating a quote and order.
Read MorePencil in or reserve assets, labor and transport at quotation stage
After listening to and taking on users’ feedback, we’ve amended the quotation stage in a job to mark resources as Provisional or Reserved.
Read MoreOnline Document Approval
Send key rental documents out online to customers, enabling them to accept or decline in real time, alongside capturing a digital signature.
Read MoreAdobe Sign
Speed up the order process and enable quicker confirmation of jobs with Current RMS and Adobe Sign. This exciting, new integration allows users to request digital signature approval from clients, anywhere in the world, feeding straight back into your Current system.
Read MoreSerialized Containers
We have just released one of the most-voted for features on our Customer Wishlist, Serialized Containers. Users can now scan in multiple serialized assets under one asset number, allowing components to be permanently assigned to a container.
Read MoreUpdates to Product Custom Views
Users can now add stock methods, replacement charges, weights, and discountable attributes to Product Custom Views
Read MoreSet Different Rental Rates for Each of Your Stores
Do you charge a three day week in one branch and a four day week in another? Now you can set up a different rate for each of your stores, great for businesses who operate in multiple states or regions where charging differs.
Add Attachments to Stock Level Pages
Due to helpful feedback, we have now enabled all users of Current to be able to add attachments to stock level pages, such as receipts and certificates, meaning all relevant information is kept together.
Clone, Copy & Paste Opportunity Groups
The option to clone, or copy & paste opportunity groups is now available in Current RMS, helpful for jobs where you need the same gear in multiple groups, e.g. quotes for jobs with multiple rooms.
Read MoreSet a Custom View as your Default View
You can now set a custom view to become your default view, meaning you'll see it by default when you click into a module. For example, you can choose see just your rental gear, rather than both rental and sale.
New Criteria For Custom Views
After extremely useful feedback from our customers, we've made it so that you can now add criteria such as “Next 7 days” and “Last 7 days” to your custom views, making your data more precise.
Send Attachments more Efficiently in Discussions
Rather than an attachment appearing as a downloadable link in your discussions, they will now appear as files, which are much easier to view for all parties.
Organization Discounts
Apply discount categories to your organization's, automatically discounting product and services on jobs within that organization.
Read MoreMember Documents
We've updated Current, so that you can now create document layouts based on a member, with two defaults offered; Activity List and Service Booking List. You're also able to add a ‘Print’ section to the sidebar when viewing a member record on your Organization, Contact, User, Venue or Vehicle.
Updated Date Picker
Our date and time pickers have been updated, ensuring they are super speedy, helping you quickly
put jobs together.
Here's how it all works...
New Shortage Alerts
Clearly view all product and service shortages throughout Current RMS with the new shortages alerts, providing new functionality, to help you keep on top of all your bookings.
Read MoreImprovements to the Opportunity View
Changes to the Opportunity view now make viewing product availability, assigning a contact to a new organization and printing document layouts, much more fluid.
Read MoreMark a Period of Unavailability for Multiple Participants
Alongside booking participants out on jobs, you can now mark multiple participants as busy for events like meetings and training sessions.
Read MoreSimultaneous Scan
You can now view what other users in your system are scanning via simultaneous scan.
Read MoreScan Through the Entire Warehouse Process
The new detail view within Current enables you to allocate, prep, book-out and check-in all your gear by scanning.
Read MoreSearch for Assets by Serial Number
In the Product Catalog, you can now search by serial number under 'find by asset'. This is useful for customers whose inventory is serialized, as it means individual items can be searched for.
New Quarantine Role Privileges
To give the main user more control over additional users in your Current RMS system, you are now able to control who can create, access and delete quarantines (lost, stolen and damaged products), separate to product privileges.
Part-Invoicing Enhancements
Thanks to your feedback, we've enhanced the part-invoicing feature, now available for all users of Current.
Read MoreStart using our Open API
After months of careful preparation and testing, we've now officially launched our Open API as a beta!
Read MoreDiscounting Options within Current RMS
Rental businesses like discounting options, so we've provided our users with the ability to set the discount for an opportunity group's items.
Read MoreUpdates to your Opportunities
Now you can update, amend selected fields or add additional items to an Opportunity through our new re-open action to un-complete an opportunity.
Read MoreFree Scan is here!
After racking up almost 250 votes on the Customer Wishlist, we are delighted to let you know that Free Scan is now live!
Read MoreContainer Allocation
When allocating bulk or non-stock items (like batteries), separate allocations are now created for different containers.
Transfer Inventory between Stores
If you have multiple Stores with its own separate inventory levels, then you'll enjoy this new feature.
Read MoreProject Check-In
Projects allows you to group Opportunities together, handy if there's different rental periods or delivery locations.
Read MoreCalendar Timezones
The beauty of Current is that it's accessible and fully functional on any device, from any location. So now your Activity Calendar shows times based on the time zone set against your user profile.
Part Invoice for a Job
Current now gives you the flexibility to part invoice your customers when you need to.
Read MoreCreate Drafts on the Fly
Now it's even quicker (believe it or not) to create a job within Current RMS, click Read More to find out how.
Read MoreRecord Payments and Refunds
If you don't currently link your rental management system with an accounts package then this feature's for you!
Read MoreMailchimp Integration
We now integrate with the most famous email-marketing monkey, Mailchimp.
Read MoreCosting Module
Log all job costs and let Current calculate the projected profitability for you.
Read MoreProduct Availability Toggle
There's a new toggle on the Product Availability Screen giving you the option to not only see what products are booked but also what's quoted for too, helping you plan ahead for upcoming shortages.
Doc Layout Update
EU Carnet Document - has now been added to your system. Also, charging periods method has been added to the document layout syntax.
Enhanced Discussions
Discussions streamlines messages from both internal and external contacts. Have a read to find out what nifty new features we've added to Discussions.
Read MoreReports Update
The 'Product Rental Income', ' Product Sale Income' and 'Service Income' reports now include two new columns showing the number of invoices and credit notes that have been raised.
Discountable Attributes
Resources now have a 'Discountable Attribute' - allowing you to flag certain products and services as NOT discountable.
Read MorePowerful Product Searching
We are delighted to say that you can now search for a product or asset by barcode or asset number.
Read MoreProduct Import Update
Product Imports, via a simple CSV upload, can now handle decimal places for Accessories.
Opportunity Detail View
The Opportunity Detail View (orders) can now be grouped and ordered by the Opportunity Group.
Read MoreRevenue & Stock Levels
New to Current is the option to see lifetime revenue against stock levels, handy if you want to see the lifetime value of an individual product.
Xero Integration Update
When creating or updating a Xero contact the Primary Person Email field will now use, by default, the Organisation's Work Email Address. Meaning when posting an invoice to Xero, there's an email set against the contact so it's possible to send invoices directly via Xero's email function or through Current's Discussions feature.
Rental Charging
Current provides a wide range of different rental charging engines to suit your business needs, such as daily, weekly or fixed rate engines.
Read MoreNew Document Layouts
We've added two new handy document layouts, Sub Rent Sheet and Container Packing Sheet to our portfolio of layouts, accessible for all customers to use.
Read MoreUpdates to Quarantine
The Quarantine section within Current RMS allows users to manage products that are; damaged, lost or need servicing. We've enhanced this section with a few new features, find out more by clicking the link below.
Read MoreTri-Lingual
You can now access Current RMS in English, French and Spanish. Where translations are in place, the import routines will recognise the language's Yes and No ( Oui, Non etc).
Product Picker
Got a lot of inventory? No problem, we’ve added a new handy reset button to the top of our Picker.
Read MoreFractions for Accessories
Current handles all accessories to products, such as cables and lightbulbs, and now the quantities of these can be a fraction.
Read MoreJob Planner
From the Job Planner screen you can now create any type of Opportunity (Enquiry, Draft, Quotation or Order).
Read MoreCustom Fields
We’ve added a new custom field type called 'Currency' so when values are entered, the currency symbol for this will be displayed on screen and associated document layouts.
Manage all Services
We have just released our new Services Module - managing all of your bookable services.
Read MoreKeyboard Shortcuts
Three new keyboard shortcuts have been added to the Job Planner; ctrl + alt + p will bring up the Picker, ctrl + alt + i will add a new opportunity item and ctrl + alt + g will add a new group.
QuickBooks Online Integration
Current RMS now integrates with QuickBooks Online.
Read MoreOnline Quote Approval
You now have the ability to send quotes out online, speeding up the quotation process.
Read More