Save time and reduce human error when pulling costs through to jobs.
Costs in Current RMS have always been a great way to log any job-related costs and get a breakdown of how much money you’re making on a job. We’ve updated opportunity costs to be even smarter, so now your Current system automatically adds costs that you can anticipate like sub-rentals, purchases, and freelance staff and transport, in the costs view.
Edit a cost by clicking to change the days, price, provisional cost, or actual cost, and add notes by selecting the blue drop down arrow next to each one, perfect for popping in delivery details or additional info.
Set the supplier one by one, or altogether by ticking the boxes and using the action menu at the top.
You can set your costs in a variety of places in Current; general costs against products and services, costs against your internal and freelance staff members, and costs for sub-renting or purchases from external suppliers.
Use the Revenue and Costs Summary to drill down into further detail on the profitability of the job, giving you a full breakdown of rental, sale and service income, as well as all the costs added to your job.
To learn more about this new Module, visit our Guides and take a look at What is the Costs View?