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  • 18 Jul 2018

A Catch Up
On The Last 6 Months

So far, 2018 has been an absolute whirlwind - for us, and all of you alike!

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A Catch Up On The Last 6 Months | Current RMS

F rom exciting trade shows and events, brand new features and an expanding team, we’ve achieved lots in the first 6 months of the year already, and so have our users. We wanted to reflect back on 2018 so far and take stock of everything that’s happened.

What have we been up to?

What Current RMS has been up to supporting image

Awesome Trade Shows

We kicked off the year with an exciting visit to PLASA Focus Glasgow, UK in January. Though we did almost get stranded in the snow on the way there (that’ll go down in the Current RMS history books), we found our way to the SEC and managed to demo our cloud-based software to lots of new faces at the regional trade show. Next up was PLASA Focus Leeds, UK in May, the perfect place to catch up with our customers and snap loads of selfies, of course. Here, we gave stand visitors the chance to catch a glimpse of some of our newest features in action.

Finally, the team have just returned from the unmissable US trade show, InfoComm - and it was an absolute blast. They were kept busy, what with constant software demos during the 3 days of the show, and exploring the beautiful Las Vegas strip at night - you can read more about our visit to the US here. Thank you to everyone that’s visited us at a trade show so far this year! It goes without saying that catching up with you is our favourite part.

Current RMS team at infoComm 2018
Current RMS team talking to customers at PLASA Focus Leeds 2018

Brand New Features

On the feature front, we’ve been busy too. We’ve ticked off a number of ideas on the Customer Wishlist, including our two biggest requests, Choosing Accessories and Do a Deal. Both features add even more flexibility to Current: Choosing Accessories allows you to select exactly which accessories you’d like adding to a job with real-time availability figures on hand, and Do a Deal allows you to set a clean, easy deal price to a charge total on an entire job or any product groups you’ve set up. As well as that, we also added a full German translation of our software, so if your native language is German, bitte sehr!

May 2018 also saw the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation law, affecting the way companies store and handle sensitive data in the EU. This not only affects us here at Current RMS, but also our customers, too. Our developers have been working hard to ensure the right tools are in place within Current for users to adhere to GDPR, and as such, we introduced a number of new updates into the system. You can find out more about them here.

New Current RMS features include Choosing Accessories and Do a Deal

Handy Tips & Tricks

If you follow us on social media, you’ll know we keep Facebook and Twitter up to date with some of our useful tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Current RMS system. Take a look at two of the favourites from the last six months below!

Find By Asset

Got some kit to hand that you want to quickly find in your Current RMS system? Just scan the barcode in the ‘find by asset’ window and you’ll be taken straight through to its page!

Activity Types

You can use Current RMS to create new, custom categories for activities different from the default and assign them their own colour to distinguish them in the Job Planner.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter so you can see our latest Tips & Tricks as they’re released!

What have our customers been up to?

What have our customers been up to in the past 6 months supporting image

It’s not just us that has been busy. We’ve been touching base with our customers throughout 2018 so far, and it’s been awesome to hear about all the exciting projects and jobs you’ve been working on. In the past 6 months, hundreds of thousands of Opportunities have been created in the system by you, with thousands of Discussions sent. Since Current first launched, you’ve certainly been putting it through its paces - it’s great to see!

Earlier this year, we caught up with Cambridge, UK based rental house CEG Hire & Productions, who shared how Current RMS has improved their rental processes since going live with Current almost 4 years ago. It was great to check in with them - as a long standing customer of ours, it’s brilliant to see how their business has grown and developed. Grab a coffee and read the full blog here! We also managed to catch up with a number of our customers who run their rental business with sustainability and a concern for the environment at their core, including Ingram AV, Outkast Hire and ZooLoos. If you’re thinking about ways you can make your business greener, get started with our tips.

We were also lucky enough to spend a week in New York visiting Brooklyn-based Lightbulb Grip & Electric, where, with the help of Blaine Dunkley, we captured on film, first-hand, how Current has streamlined the rental of their equipment. You can watch the full video here.

Current RMS team visited Lightbulb Grip in NY

Amongst it all, our users have had lots to celebrate throughout the first half of this year. Event Production company and long-standing UK Current RMS users Clownfish Events celebrated their ninth birthday in April, which is deserving of a massive hooray to the entire team! Plus, Turn of Events Productions, who the Current team managed to visit this year in Vegas, supplied gorgeous, glamorous lighting to the Screen Actors Guild awards earlier this year.

Current RMS visited Turn of Events in LAs Vegas
Amazing production by Turn of Events
Current RMS has helped our business tremendously. From the super friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff to a very user friendly software, we are extremely satisfied with our rental software.
Armine Weiss @ Turn of Events Productions

So, what’s coming up?

What is coming next for Current RMS supporting image

The summer months mean that for lots of you, you’ll be busy with an abundance of events. We’re going to be taking advantage of all of the cool locations and jobs you’ll be working on, having relaunched our successful #CurrentOnTheRoad competition! Share your pics of Current out and about, on site, or on the road, to be in with the chance to win a prize from the team here at Current HQ.

And while it’s summer here, the cooler winter months are setting in for our customers in the Southern Hemisphere. This is the perfect chance for us to check in with the many customers from Australia and New Zealand we’ve got on board - we’ll be taking a closer look at how some of them use Current RMS in a variety of industries. Stay tuned!

Of course, you can also expect to see the Current RMS team at PLASA London 2018 and the Showman’s Show at Newbury Showground, UK, later this year too. We’ll have the chance to demo our software to those in the AV, Lighting, Staging, Marquee and Events industries, so if you’ll be attending, let us know. On the features front, now that we’ve got some real headliners done and dusted, we’ll be taking another look at the top voted ideas on the Customer Wishlist.

Not on board with Current?

There’s no time like the present 😀 We’ve got lots planned for the future and would love for you to be a part of it.

It’s easy to get started running your rental business straight from the cloud. Just sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial and Book in a Demo with one of our helpful product specialist team. We’d love to chat with you!

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