Doesn't time fly? It’s exactly 2 years ago to the day since Current RMS launched on 1st September 2014 and what an amazing 2 years it's been. We celebrated our 1 year anniversary last September with 600 customers on board in 500 cities worldwide. Now, a year on, we have 1,700 customers in over 1,000 cities - look how much the Current family has grown!
The past 12 months have been pretty crazy. We’ve exhibited at shows around the globe, designed and built exciting new features for all of you to use and even became trilingual.
Here’s some fun facts for you all: Since launch, 265,946 jobs have been created in Current and just yesterday, Current dealt with 430,712 page requests - pretty impressive!
Take a look at our biggest milestones over the past 2 years and don’t forget about ourWhat’s New pageshowing all feature updates.